Jane Hughes

Travel Advisor


Jane-Grand-TetonsFor Jane, the thought of travel evokes a stroll down memory lane in so many ways! Standing out are the slide shows and experiences her grandparents shared with her and other family members at a time (60’s and 70’s) when international travel was not the norm. “My grandparents instilled in me the wonder, joy, and appreciation you feel when venturing to other corners of the world.”

Jane’s first travel memory is a six-week long family vacation touring the National Parks. Thankfully, an unfortunate bout of car sickness and the experience of getting locked in a bathroom at Yellowstone National Park did not dampen her spirit for travel.

Jane is a graduate of Ithaca College, and she has a wealth of experience on both the corporate and leisure (domestic and international) side of travel. During college, a semester in London and a summer of travel (much of it by herself), led her to explore a career in the travel industry. She has now been in the professional world of travel for a shocking 38 years. She enjoys (most of the time) the challenges of her chosen career, and all of the opportunities it has given her to see the world.

Favorite Journeys:

  • A South African Safari
  • The Galapagos Islands
  • Machu Picchu